
"Parody is homage gone Sour" - Brendon Gill

"Parody is accurate fanfiction" - Ocipital

"Who The F**k is Brendon Gill?" - Northern Monkey

Parody - n. (pl. -ies) 1) a) humourous exaggerated imitation of an author, literary work, style, etc. b) a work of this kind. 2) a feeble imitation: a travesty.

Parodies - Compose a Parody of.

Parodied - mimoc humorously. [from greek paroidia 'burlesque poem']

If you would like to submit a parody, please email us. Please indicate if the parody contains spoilers, and please READ the rules before submitting your parody,

Season Seven Style

Amends Revisited

Xander you can drive my car

Spiked Beer

Angel Crossover Special

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